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Pink Flamingo
Audubon, John James
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DVDs - 3 discs A work of art. A global look at the winged species, focuses on bird behaviors.
DVD An awe-inspiring, critically acclaimed documentary of migrating birds through 40 countries and every continent.
Backyard Bird Watcher
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Dove, Mockingbirds, Jays, Robins & mixed Birds Pictures
(December): Robins around this backyard...they like the persimmons, one seen bathing in the water tray.
Message (Jan 12th): Dove first cooing heard
Message (October): Ringed Turtle-Dove a new addition to this backyard
 Western Scrub Jay swoopes down towards dove December |
 Mourning Dove December |
 Ringed Turtle-Dove October |
 Mourning Dove walking to feeder, Sparrows in background The dove like to stand inside the flat feeders to eat December |
 Mockingbird at persimmon tree December
more dove, mockingbirds, jays, mixed birds, robin pictures...
Hummingbird Pictures
 Hummingbird at the feeder December
Other Birds Pictures
 Yellow-rumped Audubon's Warbler, the size of a little bushtit but much trimmer...smaller than a canary, yellow throat and plain face. Was hopping around very fast from fence to japanesse maple to persimmon tree.. It looked like the mocking birds would chase it away but the yellow bird would still fly in and away before the mocking bird could swoop to it. December |
 Bird of Prey This is the 3rd time this season that the hawk has come around the backyard. The first time it was perched on top of the bubbling fountain. The backyard birds hide deeply into the bushes and trees. It doesn't take long before the little birds come back out of the bushes/trees. January |
NEW BIRD TO BACKYARD! Black Phoebe October This bird, very friendly in this backyard. Alights, and flys around onto a different perch. Info: The Black Phoebe is a type of flycatcher. It builds a mud and grass nest. It was eyeing the area around the fountain, it often selects an area near a mud puddle for it's nest site. |
 Cedar Waxwings December |
 Magpie, Yellow-billed Winter |
Winter / Fall Bird Visitors to the Modesto Backyard
Sparrows |
Sept 18th - The first White Crowned Sparrow arrives. A favorite bird at this backyard. House, Song, Lincoln's, Golden-crowned, Fox sparrow |
Finch |
House finch, American Goldfinch, Lesser Goldfinch |
Dove |
Hummingbirds |
Western Scrub Jay |
Mockingbirds |
Cedar Waxwings |
Arrived in flocks of 20-80 birds.. Likes the berries in the city trees, and persimmons |
Hawk |
Sharp-shinned, Red-shouldered |
Robins |
Lots of Robins this year 10-50 at a time...eating berries and persimmons |
Magpie, Yellow-billed |
Starlings |
Quite a few this year eating persimmons |
Northern Flicker |
January |
Woodpecker |
Downey Woodpecker |
Kestrel |
Kinglets |
Warblers |
Yellow-rumped Audubon's, Common Yellowthroat, Orange-crowned |
Oak Titmouse |
Black Phoebe |
New bird to this backyard! See picture above. |
Dark-eyed Junco |
Friendly birds |
Hermit Thrush |
Towhee |
Spotted Towhee |
"The Great Backyard Bird Count"
New |
Carolyn's Backyard Birding Journal |
Do you have a wild bird photo that you would like to share? If so, attach it to an email and send it to Carolyn If you can size the picture down that would be best, approximately 200x200. Be sure to write your 1. name (first/& or last), 2. The bird type (such as sparrow, finch, etc.) 3. your town and state, 4. Approximate date of the picture or SEASON (winter, spring, summer, fall) 5. Any comments you might want to add about your bird picture.
View pictures from other areas...see pics of bushtit, baby goldfinch, townsends warbler titmouse & more..
Especially welcomed are those wild bird pictures from around California's Central Valley. However, any special bird picture will be considered regardless of your location, a good picture is a good picture.