Bird Photos SPRING, SUMMER wild backyard birds
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The pictures on this page are of those birds that are visiting the Modesto California backyard in Spring and Summer. Photos will be added as these backyard wild birds are caught on camera. And, one can only hope for the camera to be ready as those most delightful bird scenes are taking place. These picture are taken with a Fugi FinePix camera. And for these Spring, Summer pictures a telescopic lens is added.
Bird colorings are changing, especially on many of the male birds. It's hoped to capture more of these deeper, darker, colorful spring/summer birds on camera and post pictures here. |
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![]() Yellow-rumped Audubon's Warbler (5 1/2") April |
![]() Bushtit (4 1/2") A mini bird. Flits around inside trees and bushes..always moving. Makes sounds something like a humming bird March |
![]() Grosbeak, Black-headed Male (8") May |
![]() Yellow Warbler - Male (5") All yellow with reddish streaks on breast May |
Sparrows | Lots of House Sparrows. The last white crowned sparrows left April 29th. |
House Finch | Colors: Yellow, Red, Orange |
Lessser Goldfinch | Lots of Lesser Goldfinch, perhaps 50 in this backyard. |
American Goldfinch | |
Dove | |
Hummingbirds | Anna's, Black-chinned, Rufus(2008) The Flowering Maple is very popular with the hummingbirds in this backyard. |
Western Scrub Jay | |
Northern Mockingbird | |
Hawk | Sharp Shinned hawk not seen again after March 27th |
Warbler | The yellow rumped audubon's warbler left at the end of March |
Yellow Warbler | Up and around in the trees looking to drink from the stone fountain |
Quail, California | |
Bushtit | |
Woodpecker, Acorn | |
Sapsucker, Willamson's | |
Robin, American | |
Magpie, Yellow-billed | |
Parakeet, wild | |
Black-headed Grosbeak | Likes the black oiled sunflower seed the best. Uses the ground feeder and hanging feeder. |
Oriole, Bullock's | |
Starling, European | Likes to bathe on top of stone fountain in this backyard. The young cry sounds like a little puppy yap, and high pitched shrill |
Cowbird | |
Oriole | |
View Results of: | "The Great Backyard Bird Count" |
Do you have a wild bird photo that you would like to share? If so, attach it to an email and send it to Carolyn If you can size the picture down that would be best, approximately 200x200. Be sure to write your 1. name (first/& or last), 2. The bird type (such as sparrow, finch, etc.) 3. your town and state, 4. Approximate date of the picture or SEASON (winter, spring, summer, fall) 5. Any comments you might want to add about your bird picture.
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Especially welcomed are those wild bird pictures from around California's Central Valley. However, any special bird picture will be considered regardless of your location, a good picture is a good picture.
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Michael Beeve consultant. Thanks Michael for helping with those tougher bird ID's & questions - Carolyn
Photographs at Backyard Birds of Modesto may not be used without permission.