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DVDs - 3 discs A work of art. A global look at the winged species, focuses on bird behaviors.
DVD An awe-inspiring, critically acclaimed documentary of migrating birds through 40 countries and every continent.
Butterfly House

Birds of the Garden Winter II
Art Print
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Framed Mounted
Bird Bath
Art Print
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Clog comfort shoes
Battery and Electric Operated
California's Central Valley and surrounding areas
 Orange-crowned Warbler I see this bird often at my hummingbird feeder. It's about the size of a sparrow and is a beautiful olive green color - not many markings on it's wings. Fall/Winter 2000 Turlock, CA Submitted by: Marilyn Wear
 Oak Titmouse March 2003 Taken at Grandma Matt's Modesto ranch Submitted by: Kasie Johnson from Ceres |
 Hummingbird, Black-chinned young female May 2004 Ceres, CA Submitted by: Cindy Vilmur Passalaqua |
 House Finch feeding baby birds July 2004 Ceres, CA Submitted by: Ruby Vilmur |
 Lark Sparrow Jan. 2006 Submitted by Audry from Fresno, CA |
 Black Phoebe Oct. 2008 Modesto, CA Submitted by: Terry & Marsha Davis |
Other Areas
 Hummingbird female August 2003 Photo taken during a camping
trip in Wyoming Submitted by: Steven Mizak Colorado Springs, CO
 Rufous Hummingbird male August 2003 Submitted by: Steven Mizak Colorado Springs, CO |
 Black-capped Chickadee November 2003 Submitted by: Jim Deller Fruit Heights, Utah |
 Eastern Towhee, Male May 2003 Submitted by: Scott Cressman Jacksonville, North Carolina |
 Eastern Towhee, Female May 2003 Submitted by: Scott Cressman Jacksonville, North Carolina |
 Goldfinch Jan 2004 Submitted by: Scott Cressman Jacksonville, North Carolina |
 Baby Goldfinch More pics July, 2003 Submitted by: Linda Masser San Jose, California |
See more bird pictures taken by Scott Cressman Jacksonville, North Carolina
Cardinal, Downy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee, Gray Catbird, Nuthatch, Carolina Wren, Brown Thrasher, Bluebird & more.

Goldfinch, Male April Submitted by: Teresa Carroll North Carrollton, Mississippi

Oriole Seen on May 4, 2004 Submitted by: Lori Garske Erie, PA

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird August 2004 Submitted by: Robert Buras Fayetteville, N.C.

Hummingbird August 2004 Submitted by: Robert Buras Fayetteville, N.C.

Anna's Hummingbird February 22, 2005 Submitted by: Camden Hackworth Seattle, Washington.

This is a picture of an Anna's Hummingbird that visited
my backyard red flowering currant bush Submitted by: Camden Hackworth Seattle, Washington.
See bird pictures taken by Robert Buras Fayetteville, North Carolina
Catbirds, Eastern Bluebirds, Bluebird Chick, Bluebird feeding chick, Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
Baby Indigo Bunting Aug 2006 Submitted by: Lori Garske Erie, Pa.
Indigo Bunting Aug 2006 Submitted by: Lori Garske Erie, Pa.
More Pics
Female Hummingbird Aug 2007 Submitted by: Carrie Fisher Grand Rapids, Michigan
Downy Woodpecker Summer 2009 Submitted by: Phyllis Garrett Muncie, Indiana
Chestnut-sided Warbler May 2008 Submitted by: Greg Willmar, MN
the story
Warbler Dec. 2008 Submitted by: Kathy Perez Slidell, LA.
More Pics
House Sparrows Summer 2009 Submitted by: Phyllis Garrett Muncie, Indiana
House Sparrows Summer 2009 Submitted by: Phyllis Garrett Muncie, Indiana
Bluebirds Summer 2006 Submitted by: Mary Spitler Grand Junction, Michigan
Pelican November 2008 Submitted by: Sharon Carlson at Aliso Beach, Ca
Comment: After several people approached it, it eventually got annoyed
with all the people getting too close and flew off to be alone on some rocks not
too far away.
Hawk July 2008 Submitted by: Sharon Carlson Anaheim, California
Comment: This Hawk comes and visits approx. every month or two. I haven't seen it
catch any birds.
American Kestrel February 2009 Submitted by: Mary Spitler Grand Junction, Michigan
I was watching the doves in the yard and as I was a American Kestrel came down and got one of the doves.
Bird Party in bush December 2008 Submitted by: Sharon Carlson Anaheim, California
They all usually go between this bush, the bird bath, and the food. Once in a while
a Goldfinch joins them, and a couple of Mourning Doves.
Goldfinch March 2009 Submitted by: Milena Hammond East Point- Georgia
More bird pictures by Milena Hammond
Painted Bunting March 2009 Submitted by: Juan Cantu Mission, Texas
Cardinal January 2010 Submitted by: Debbie Houska Springfield, Missouri
More bird pictures by Debbie Houska Springfield, Missouri
Do you have a wild bird photo that you would like to share? If so, attach it to an email and send it to Carolyn If you can size the picture down that would be best, approximately 200x200. Also if you would send your picture as a JPG or GIF it would be most helpful. Be sure to write your 1. name (first/& or last), 2. The bird type (such as sparrow, finch, etc.) 3. your town and state, 4. Approximate date of the picture or SEASON (winter, spring, summer, fall) 5. Any comments you might want to add about your bird picture.
Especially welcomed are those wild bird pictures from Modesto, and around California's Central Valley. However, any special bird picture will be considered regardless of your location, a good picture is a good picture.
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